Chinese translation for "group of letter"
- 字母组
Related Translations:
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | System of communications in which arbitrary groups of letters , numbers , or symbols represent units of plain text of varying length 在通信系统中不同组的字母、数字或符号代表着若干单位的变化长度的文本。 | | 2. | Get answers to your questions about how to track by reference , using such values as company name , purchase order number , bill of lading number , or a group of letters or words that you define 获取如何透过参考资讯进行追踪的问题解答,例如使用公司名称采购订单po编号提货单编号或您定义的一组字母或词语等值。 |
- Similar Words:
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